(256 votes) — 4.25 out of 5 stars


Instantly turn WordPress into a simple and straight-forward ticketing system. Quality Control will help you keep track of your project development with ease. Our feature-rich theme was built for ease-of-use and tight integration with WordPress so you’ll be online and logging tickets within minutes.

Quality Control allows users to create tickets, assign statuses, set priorities, milestones, categories, and tags. Other users can then interact with the tickets, updating their state, milestone, adding comments, and more. Setup one or multiple projects – each with custom user groups to limit access on different projects.

Share Documents & Images

Keep everything related to each ticket all in one place. Attach documents or images directly to tickets so anyone on your team can easily find them. No more having to search through emails.

Self-Hosted Benefits

The cloud is great and all but it comes with some downsides. Bring your easy-to-manage ticketing system in-house and stop sending SEO link juice to the cloud. You’ll also look more professional running your own ticketing system.

Define Project Goals

Milestones allow you to group together tickets so you can hit your scheduled release dates. The milestone page keeps everything in one place so you can see who’s responsible for each ticket, the current status, and anything outstanding.

Collaborate on Tickets

Keep notes and exchange messages on each ticket until it’s been resolved. You can even update the ticket properties or upload a new attachment.

Git and SVN Integration

Built-in integration with the two most popular cloud repositories – BeanStalk and GitHub. Changesets are automatically linked up to each ticket for complete visibility into the code check in.

Unlimited Project Support

Using WordPress Multi-site, you can easily spin off new projects and setup different user groups to control project access. There’s no limit on the number of projects you can setup.

Unlimited User Accounts

Whether you’re a small company or a large team, QC is the perfect ticket tracking solution. You can restrict access on a per-project basis or open it up to the public.

Easy Administration

Running your AppThemes site is easy. We include options for just about everything so you’re comfortable managing your business operations.

Own Your Data

Unlike hosted ticketing systems, you own and control your project data. There’s no monthly fee and it’s easy to export it into an XML file if you ever need to move.

Dedicated Blog

Keep the marketing beat going by writing content on your blog. It’s part of the theme, yet completely separated out using the native WordPress posts module.

Innovation and Updates

Our products continue to evolve with new features all the time. We work closely with our customers to make sure we deliver the most requested features. Happiness.

SEO Friendly

We understand how important SEO is for your business. Our themes are built to instantly take advantage of SEO best practices. All you need to worry about is running your business.

Child Themes & Plugins

Change the look of your site with a 3rd party child theme. Add additional functionality with an aftermarket plugin. All our themes make it easy to bolt on other items.

AppThemes API

Developers can easily customize functionality without having to modify the original code. We use WordPress action and filter hooks which makes it a breeze to build on top our products.

Additional Benefits

Free Product Updates

Product updates are complimentary the first 12 months. As our products continue to evolve, you'll be able take advantage of all new features and fixes.

Quick & Easy Setup

It won't take long to get up and running as most features work out of the box. Spend time selling instead of getting bogged down with configuring options.

Clean Open Source Code

Our code is written with high standards and well commented for easy understanding. It's 100% open so your developer can edit as needed.

Multi-Language Support

Drop in one of our free language packs provided by our community or translate it on your own. It's flexible enough to do either.

Global Support Team

Our support team is multilingual and globally dispersed for a balanced layer of customer coverage. We're available to help and answer your questions.

Built by WordPress Pros

Our products are handcrafted by top WordPress developers. The knowledge and experience runs deep which means our products are top-notch.

Purchase Options

Our pricing is simple and you can upgrade your plan at any time.



  • Quality Control theme
  • Lifetime license
  • Unlimited websites
  • 12 months support
  • 12 months updates 
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  • All themes 
  • 20+ Marketplace items 
  • Lifetime license
  • Unlimited websites
  • 12 months support
  • 12 months updates 
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Over $1,400 in products (best value)!


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Motivate Mails

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Ads By Category or Ad Tag

Display ads from specific category or categories by using a filter widget.
